Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Embarassed to have breaked so long...

Alright, so I have to admit that I am embarrassed. I have gone and taken a 5 month hiatus from writing and I am sorry. In the meantime, I have finished up my research with the wonderful and elusive woodcock and I am about to head to Florida to begin my Ph.D.! Life has been nothing but excitement, finishing up my field season and writing on my thesis. Now, I plan on incorporating a typical (at least once a week) writing on this blog to discuss hot topics in science and green living. I'd love for people to take part in the discussion and share with me their thoughts. For today, I am going to leave it at this but please be waiting for more! Today, I leave you with a wonderful picture... of a wonderful bird that you should head off and find.

One of the American woodcock caught during my field season.        

Stay tuned for more green whispers! :)