Thursday, January 27, 2011

Five more days left for necklace giveaway!!

Hi Everyone! Sorry I have not gotten to post in a while. Fieldwork and other parts of graduate life have been keeping me busy. However, I did want people to know that there are only 5 more days to enter a giveaway for one of my necklaces! So, if you have not already, head on over to the link below and get yourself entered. I'll be getting some more green whispers up here soon! :)

Earth Sense Jewelry Necklace

Monday, January 10, 2011

Have you ever seen thorns like this?

I'm keeping this short but I wanted to share a picture of thorns I walked by while out completing vegetation surveys for my study on American woodcock. Have you ever seen thorns like that ?! Yikes!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A beautiful flower!

        Alright, so my title is misleading because I'm not talking about a real flower. A couple days ago I was out birding and came upon the most beautiful sight. I would not have known what it was! Thankfully I had an older (and wiser) birding companion who told me it was a frost flower. It is just too cool of a scientific phenomenon for me not to share!!

A picture of a frost flower. So beautiful!!

              This beautiful frost flower occurs when the ground is not frozen but a frost occurs. Long thin cracks form along the stem of a plant during freezing temperatures because the sap expands under these conditions. Capillary action causes this water to squeeze through the cracks and freeze when it comes in contact with the cold air. The layers, that form the flower, are caused by more and more water squeezing through the cracks and pushing the thin sheets of ice further away from the stem. If you find one of these awesome creations of nature just look at it and admire because they are fragile and will break if touched! They come in all different shapes and sizes, so every time you get a glance at one can be a surprise. 

                My field season has started and next week I will try and update you with Woodcock Wednesdays. I just wanted to share this beautiful creation of nature with you! Please stay tuned for more green whispers. :)